Finding an affordable CISO can feel like searching for a mythical unicorn - challenging and let's face it impossible!

Automate CISO Activities Using our CISOBot is an AI-driven solution designed to help businesses build and manage their cybersecurity strategy efficiently. We provide answers to critical questions about your cybersecurity posture, develops a comprehensive improvement plan, and tracks your progress over time. Businesses gain real-time insights into their application architecture and also expedite the process of achieving compliance certifications.

In 2023, there were over 6,000 publicly reported data breaches, impacting around 349 million individuals. This equates to approximately 16.5 data breaches per day. Don't become a statistic, the number of records compromised per breach is increasing, with several breaches involving millions of records.

Empower your Tech and Security Leaders to Excel as effective CISOs

Give us a try with no obligation


Bridge Cybersecurity Knowledge Gap

By visualizing and managing cybersecurity tasks and contextually addressing knowledge gaps through our Gen AI Agent.


Establish Bespoke Cybersecurity Strategy

We create a customized cybersecurity strategy tailored to your business needs, generating real-time architecture and data flow views.

Generate Policy & Procedure Documents

Automatically generating policy & procedure documents which draws context from the infrastructure meta data.


Facilitate Answering Questionnaires

The tedious task of answering security questions is automated through our platform, which uses Gen AI to understand and formulate appropriate responses.


Automate Infrastructure Security Monitoring

By establishing a trust relationship, our system can scan and provide automated infrastructure monitoring.


Accelerate Compliance Certification

Our audit platform accelerates compliance certification for standards like SOC1, SOC2, ISO27001, and HIPAA.


Regular Automated Pen Testing

We conduct regular penetration testing to ensure any emerging attack surfaces are promptly identified and addressed.


Consolidated View of Tools/Vendors

The only security compliance tool that offers a consolidated view of tools and vendors.


Enable Infrastructure Cost Savings

Identify and eliminate wasted infrastructure spending by monitoring low or unused compute and storage resources.


Network with Virtual CISOs

Connect with Virtual CISOs through our platform and access their expertise on-demand.